Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Fall, I've Got A Job, I'm Running & Sunny Day Real Estate

A few updates:


Well, we've certainly had our first taste of fall here in Denver. Back on Monday, during a nice steady rain, I noticed a bit of snow mixing in. Not bad for the first day of fall! Yesterday, I encountered a bit of sleet on my way to work. Winter precip is here. Basically, the upper level flow stranded a trough and we've been sitting with this cut off low for a few days leaving temperatures in the 40s. Meanwhile, my friends and family up in Montana are experiencing record highs! Temperatures reached 92F yesterday in Cut Bank and Great Falls, Montana ... and were even warmer in Canada with a few locations touching 94F.

Storm chasing...

May be over for the year. Last year, I went out once in September, once in October, and once in November, so we'll see. Had a great year, this year, however, making it out 37 times (which includes a few lightning chases). I'll try to post a recap in December (yes, you'll have to wait until then!) I've also thought about producing a DVD this year, so we'll see if that takes place. It's not really for making money, per se, but I'd like something to trade other chasers and give to friends and family.


Okay, so I rarely talk about personal things in this blog as it is mostly dedicated to meteorology, but I figured a casual update about the author was okay. So, here are a few updates on my life.

- Due to various reasons (excuses), I've been quite out of shape for the past couple of years. The biggest limiting factors were laziness and a bad back (I had a herniated disc in late 2007). At the beginning of the summer, I started a regimen of exercise which includes a little bit of strengthening (mostly my core and specifically my lower back), stretching, and running. Last week, I ran the longest distance of my life at 2.6 miles. This may not seem like a great distance, but for me it was huge. I've found that I really enjoy going out and running and especially so after dark when the air cools and traffic dies down. So far, I haven't lost any weight, but my body has become a lot more toned and my leg muscles have certainly filled out. I have a ton more energy as well which is awesome. I hope to continue building on my distance and it is my goal to someday be able to run a marathon.

- Though I cannot talk in great detail about it, I would like to give an update on my working situation. After graduating from Metro State in May 2008 with my degree in Meteorology, I tried and tried to gain employment in the sector, working in either operational or research meteorology. Months went by without even an interview, so I eventually asked to come on full time at the meteorological software company I work for. Around the same time, we did a "broadcast meteorology" demo which turned out really well. Only a few months later, we are sending out weather broadcasts which are on television in Memphis, TN and Seattle, WA with other locations beginning soon. For a long time, it was always assumed that I would be a broadcaster, though I shied away from it when I started school. I've found that I am very comfortable in front of the camera, however, and I really do enjoy it! Also, I do get to do some analysis and product generation, which is awesome. Top that off with the fact that I work with some very cool people! I hate to say it, but I love my job! So yes, I am a broadcast meteorologist. I never would have thought it would happen ... but here I am.

PS: A resourceful person may be able to locate examples of my weather broadcasts on Youtube as we do upload them on occasion.

... this past Monday, I was able to attend a concert by Sunny Day Real Estate here in Denver. Sunny Day was my favorite band when I was a very musically impressionable teen in the mid 90's. They parted ways right before I got into them and though there had been a couple of quasi-reunions (none with all original members) since, they just recently reunited (with all original members) and decided to tour. Watching them play live was like seeing a tornado for the first time for me. It was a very emotional and fulfilling experience.

More information about the band can be found here: Wikipedia: Sunny Day Real Estate

They even played a new song which though wasn't really along the same musical path as their older music, was still enjoyable. That song was recorded by someone and can be found here:



DM said...

Next week is slowly catching my attention...but...I've been burned by every October setup I've ever chased. Let me know if you want to trade DVD's, I'll have ours out sometime this fall...

Jessica Syverson said...

I'm glad things are going well for you and I love your weather updates on youtube! :)

Unknown said...

Good luck with the back rehab program. 12 years ago this past June I was in the O.R. with a neurosurgeon who was removing bone fragments and the herniated portion of the disk from L3/L4. At the time they took me in, I didn't care if I lived or died it hurt so bad. Well, thanks to his skill and 12 years of watching what I do, I feel great. Running isn't on the list as I also had to give up golf and softball, but I still skate in a hockey league and just be careful not to twist. The more weight you keep off, the better the back will do. Guaranty it.

Scott Hammel said...

Sunny Day! Hahaha, yeah used to love those guys. Theo B is still one of my favorite songs. I just went and saw Autolux at the Bluebird Tuesday night and they were great. Kind of a My Bloody Valentine meets The Pixies type sound. Very good. Glad to hear you are running and being active.

Dann Cianca said...

@Dick: I'm not sure I'm going to get out again this year. I've had a few car problems put me in the hole and I really need to save for other things coming up. Bah. I'll definitely be up for a trade if I get my stuff together and actually make a DVD. I'll be in touch.

@Jessica: Thanks! Feel free to use the comment button there to shower me with praise ... or criticism. :)

@Bill: I'm not really *supposed* to run, but I find it to be the best way stay in shape. I try and keep my lower back strong to compensate. I had a herniation between L4-L5 which impacted on my right side sciatic nerve. I have never experienced pain like that. We tried less invasive treatments for a few months (Ibuprofen regimen, etc) ... eventually going to prednisone (which is the most awful stuff on earth in my opinion). Finally, I received two steroid injections in my back. The first did nothing, the second changed my world. Within two days, I was pain free and my body (which became contorted to deal with the pain) slowly corrected itself. When the six month life of the steroids expired, I was still pain free. I'm very careful with my back now and try not to lift things if I don't have to. It will always be a weak point for me, though.

@Scott: Damn you! I love Autolux but was so freaking tired from working so god damn much the two previous days, I couldn't get myself to go.