I just have a few things to share today, so we'll start with a video of the Parkersburg, IA EF-5 someone posted over on Storm Track a couple days ago. The video itself isn't too exciting, but you'll want the volume all the way up on this one. Note: There is some strong language at the beginning.
Last night, I was watching the radars after a few thunderstorms had erupted in Wyoming. As the system moved east and moved out of the Black Hills, there were some pretty impressive returns on radar as you can see in the image below:

The most interesting part was that the surface temps under that 60+dbZ area were under 30ºF! Check out this precip-type radar product! Phillip, South Dakota was reporting "moderate to heavy freezing rain"!

Active Tropical Weather
Indian Ocean

North Pacific Ocean

Currently at Denver (Hampden Heights), Colorado: 39ºF A few clouds, calm.
Overview tropical satellite imagery and radar imagery used with permission; courtesy of IPS Meteostar Inc. Tropical tracking information from Joint Typhoon Warning Center and Navy/NRL Tropical Cyclone Page. Annotations are made by the author of this blog. Click for larger images.
**NOTE: If you've reached this page due to a search result, the most current tropical information can be found in the latest post and not necessarily the post you are reading. Visit http://blog.bigskyconvection.com/ for the most recent post.
Hey Dann... No talk about drought up around here, we've been fairly wet lately and today's precip certainly helped out those areas of WI/MN that were looking at a slight drought. I take it out west there you are having some talk of it?
Thanks for posting that intense video. I couldn't imagine living in a town hit by such a huge tornado. Hopefully I never have to deal with one that up close and personal!
Jayson, was being a bit sarcastic with all the snow you seem to be getting. :)
Matt, I hear ya' there! It was a bit terrifying to listen to. From what I understand, no one was hurt in that cooler.
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