Monday, January 11, 2010

More Images From Butte, Montana

A few more photos from my holiday to Montana. All of these photos were taken on December 30th. Most of them were taken in or around the Uptown Butte / Walkerville area except for the last one, which was taken along Blacktail Creek on The Flats in Butte. (click images for large view)

The Concentrator (Montana Resources)

The Diamond/Bell Headframe (a favorite subject of mine)

The Granite Mountain Headframe

The Badger State Headframe

Mount Fleecer with crepuscular rays (from Alexander Street)

Common Snipe taking a drink along the Greenway (Blacktail Creek).



James Langford said...

Beautiful stuff. Makes me miss home quite a bit.

Dann Cianca said...

Thanks James! Planning any trips back any time soon?

Unknown said...
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