Monday, April 27, 2009

April 26 Chase Teaser

Full report by the end of the week ... just a couple quick video captures (I didn't shoot many stills)

Tornado #1, SW of Crawford, OK.

Tornado #2 (same storm)
East of Packsaddle, OK


Matt Johnson said...

Oh man I can't wait!!!

Scott Hammel said...

Nice job man!

Ken Reynolds said...

Nice catch! I gave up these storms in northwest OK in favor of a shorter drive home to Dallas, but I did get a nice wall cloud with two funnels near Snyder, OK. I'll post video of my stuff on my blog in a few days.

Verne Carlson said...

Un-friggin-unbelievable chase day!

Kendell said...

Steak dinner X2. Good job and congrats.

Anonymous said...

Man that system was unbelievable. It was basically sever thunderstorm warnings all the way up into Wisconsin. Congrats on the tornadoes!


Adam L said...

Congrats man!

Dann Cianca said...

Matt: I'm still slowly getting through all my photos/video. I name my files after the exact time and location, so it takes a bit of time. Plus, I'll have the report for the 25th out first.

Scott: Thanks man!

Ken: Thank you! Link me to your blog?

Verne: Indeed. You guys were CLOSE to that first one!!

Kendell: I had the "large" ribeye.

Alan: It felt like a "can't miss" event for sure!

Adam: Sorry to hear about your chase. I wouldn't have wanted to deal with that.