Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gone Chasin' (April 16th)

Just a quick note to let you all I'll be chasing in Eastern Colorado on Thursday, April 16th. As I won't get out of the office until 3PM, I'm not going to officially make a target (though it would be Kit Carson, Colorado if I did). The plan is to pick up anyone heading out along the way and aim for the best show in town as I expect initiation to be at or before 3PM.

I'll be driving so I won't be able to send out as many updates, but there will be occasional ones on Facebook.



Steve Miller TX said...

Hope to see ya out there sometime over the next few days!!

p said...

thanks for the compliment but it's just filler compared to what you'll get today, best of luck to you!

Dann Cianca said...

SMTX: Looks like I won't be too far from home today ... but maybe I'll make it down to the panhandle again one of these days!

I d'know, Paul ... I don't think today is going to be very photogenic. We'll see, though.