Saturday, June 12, 2010

2010 Storm Chase 24 Teaser (June 11th)

Another last minute call to head out after work since storms hadn't completely gone out of reach. Intercepted three tornado-warned cells, though none of them produced.

Hail fog near Strasburg, Colroado

Backside of a strong but skinny meso north of Stratton, Colorado



sknr31 said...

wow sigh wow again

Unknown said...

Wow, Dann, great shots! Hail fog, Love that stuff! The second shot, the structure is so odd it I just kept staring at....can't stop looking at it, lol! I almost sent you a txt pic that night, but the local sheriff was lurking behind me..guess where I was? Hint: Eagles roam here :-)

Dann Cianca said...

Skinner: Thanks!

Tim: It was very cool structure... and I have a large series of pics chronicling its lifespan. ... and LOL!!!

Pat Boomer said...

Which planet are these photos from???
That second shot looks like a nebula or something.

Dann Cianca said...

Pat, I believe it was from planet Vona. Lol. Vona, Colorado anyway. :)