Saturday, September 18, 2010

2010 Storm Chase 43 Report - August 19th - Local Lightning

A shortwave moved through that evening with a line of thunderstorms that persisted off of the foothills. I headed to my local lightning perch and gargoyled for a while there, enjoying the show. There was quite a bit of lightning, but it waned with the bottoms falling out of the storms as they moved over lower terrain. A severe thunderstorm warning was issued for a segment of the line to the north and a 62mph gust was recorded near Boulder. I was in Greenwood Village for the event.

Linear nature of dynamically forced thunderstorms.

Distant C2G.

In-cloud lightning as the line passed.

SPC's Convective Outlook for August 19th

Storm Reports for August 19th

Mileage: 3
(Year-To-Date): 15713
Largest Hail: None observed.
Winds Of Consequence: 40kt (estimated).
Tornadoes: None.

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